Academic Assistance
After School Tutoring: After-school tutorial is offered 4 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) from 3:30-5:00 in all core academic areas. Four Math teachers, two Language Arts teachers, two Social Studies teachers and one Science teacher will be available. Students working on Credit Recovery have access to Lab 810 with teacher assistance. Students may begin recovering credits immediately. Recovering course credits in a timely manner will keep all of our students on track to graduate with their cohort. Transportation is available and a snack is provided.
Extended Learning Time: Extended Learning Time (ELT) is provided every school day by extending our school day and reducing transition times during the school day. ELT provides an additional time for our students to receive remedial and accelerated instruction during the school day, as well as credit recovery. Assignments for ELT are data driven and change throughout the school year based on the individual needs of all students.
Saturday School: Saturday School is available to all students from 9:30-12:30 on designated Saturdays and a snack is provided.
Tutoring: Teachers are available before and/or after school to assist students who are having difficulties in class. Students are responsible for contacting the teacher and working out a satisfactory schedule. Students will need passes from the teacher to visit the teacher’s classroom before school begins each morning. It is a conflict of board policy and violates professional ethics for a teacher to be privately paid for tutoring a student that they are currently teaching. This also applies to a teacher being privately paid to tutor any student during their regularly scheduled work hours.