School Profile
Crisp County High School serves 1,107 students in grades 9 - 12.
The student:teacher ratio of 18:1
Minority enrollment is 61% of the student body
Crisp County High School operates within the Crisp County School District.
At Crisp County High School, students have the opportunity to take Advanced PlacementĀ® course work, Dual enrollment courses and exams. The APĀ® participation rate at Crisp County High School is 28 percent. The student body makeup is 52 percent male and 48 percent female. Crisp County High School's graduation rate for 2020 was 90.85%. This is higher than the state average of 83.8%.
Our school is making great gains. We have once again raised our graduation rate, we have been recognized as a SSTAGE award winner and now we are being recognized by GASSP(Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals) as a 2019 Breakout School . The Breakout Schools Award is designed to identify, recognize and showcase schools that are high achieving or dramatically improving student achievement.