Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Brian Anderson
Assistant Principal
229-276-3430 ext 2012
Cate Bailey
English teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2266
Dr. Rob Bailey
Science teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2267
James Beckett
Science teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2336
Trent Bennett
Special Education teacher
William Bodrey
Social Studies teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2423
Wendell Breedlove
Social Studies teacher
Morgan Brown
Assistant Principal
229-276-3430 ext 2011
Shonterrrian Butts
Early Childhood Education teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2254
Louanna Crutchfield
Social Studies teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2318
Danielle Cruz
Science teacher/ Head Volleyball Coach
229-276-3430 ext 2418
Mykki Daniel
Literature teacher
229-276-3430 ext 2349
Eric Dixon
Agriculture teacher/ FFA Advisor
229-276-3430 ext 2235
Phillip Duncan
English teacher
MAJ Cedric Felton
JROTC instructor/ Mock Trial Advisor
229-276-3430 ext 2092
Trenton Franklin
Construction teacher/ SkillsUSA Advisor
229-276-3430 ext 2408
Susan Fuller
Work-Based Learning Coordinator
229-276-3430 ext 2201
JP Hamilton
Athletic Trainer
229-276-3430 ext 2303
Kathy Hancock
Special Education teacher
Courtney Hardin
Science teacher/ Dept. Head
229-276-3430 ext 2371